Friday, January 25, 2013

New Roles

January 25, 2013

When I last posted in this blog I had been married for 5 months (November 2011). Now I'm not only a new bride, I believe I'll call myself a new bride until our 5th or maybe 10th anniversary, I'm also a new mother. As such I decided to change the name of this blog to reflect the changes in my life.

I'm still trying to learn my role as a wife and now I have added to that with the wonderful gift of motherhood. A blessing with it's own challenges and surprises and ever growing love for this new human being. Nothing like marriage and motherhood to make you truly understand the importance of prayer and studying the Word of God. :-)

My future posts will examine things I have learned and the feelings I am working through as I continue on this path of enlightment in the roles of newlywed and mother.

Stay Tuned. . .