Monday, July 25, 2011

Steps To Being A Better Wife/Husband:

Now I'm not sure why they have 8 steps and we have 10, but they are good reminders nevertheless. ;)

10 Steps to Being a Better Wife:

1) Take care of yourself
2) Say thank you, often
3) Keep the romance alive
4) Let him have "guy time"
5) Make your husband a priority
6) Don't try to change him
7) Don’t make him guess—tell him what you want
8) Cultivate friends and interests outside your marriage
9) Let free time be free
10) Believe in your husband, & let him know it

By Sharon O'Brien, Lifestyle.MSN

‎8 Steps To Being A Better Husband:
1) Learn to listen, but not just to her words
2) Never hit, swear at or yell at your wife
3) Don’t lose your sense of individuality
4) Show Leadership
6) Love her, but not just with words
7) Don’t beg for sex, create the moment
8) Always respect your wife

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